1. Existing state of Nitrogen in wastewater:
In wastewater, nitrogen compounds exist in three forms: organic compounds, ammonium and oxidized compounds (nitrites and nitrates). In nitrogenous domestic wastewater, inorganic form exists (65% ) and organic (35%). The source of nitrogen is mainly from urine. Each person in a day discharged into the 1.2 liter urine drainage system, equivalent to 12 g of total nitrogen. Among them, nitrogen in urea (N-CO (NH¬2) 2) is 0,7g, the rest are other types of nitrogen.
2. Harmful effects of nitrogen pollution on the environment.
Nitrogen in high wastewater flows into rivers and lakes, increasing nutrient content. Therefore, it causes a strong development of phytoplankton such as moss and algae causing oxygen deficiency in the water, breaking down the food chain, reducing water quality, destroying the clean environment of water bodies, producing many domestic toxins such as NH4 +, H2S, CO2, CH4 ... destroy many kinds of useful organisms in the country. That phenomenon is called eutrophication
Currently, eutrophication is common in urban lakes, sewage rivers and canals. This phenomenon negatively affects the living activities of urban residents, changing the ecosystem of the lake water, increasing the air pollution level of the residential area.
3. Harmful effects of Nitrogen on water treatment process
The presence of nitrogen may interfere with the treatment process which reduces the work efficiency of the works. On the other hand, it can combine with chemicals in processing to create organic complexes that are toxic to humans.
When nitrogen is treated in waste water badly, nitrogen compounds enter the food chain or feed water can cause some serious diseases. Nitrate causes a lack of Vitamin and can be combined with amines to form nitrosamines that cause cancer in the elderly. Infants especially sensitive to nitrates enter breast milk or through water used to make milk. When ingested, nitrate is converted into nitrite by intestinal bacteria.
With such characteristics, the Nitrogen treatment in the current period is a problem worthy of research and application. This issue has been deeply investigated by researchers and scholars.
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